Purchasing a car is a profitable investment and to keep it valuable, maintenance of a car is equally important. Your car may be subjected to varying weather conditions, scratches and timely wear and tear. One of the options to keep up with the maintenance of a car is through paint protection. Looking for the best paint protection Adelaide services is quite difficult. But worry no more! LS Detailing is the top professional car detailing service provider in Adelaide with an industry experience of over 10 years.
We specialize in providing the best paint protection services so that your car can retain its beautiful appearance and amazing performance. Our high-quality paint protection techniques are performed by trained professionals that would help improve your car’s performance, prevent it from wear and tear and keep it durable for long. We believe in delivering excellence in the detailing procedure so that you don’t have to worry every time your car gets a scratch or paint fades away.
We understand that your car is subjected to many unfavorable factors which is why it is very essential for the car owners in Adelaide to consider car paint protection Adelaide services as one of the options for maintaining their car. Below we have listed some of the factors that affect a cars appearance:
Harsh Weather Conditions
Adelaide’s weather is not favourable and its changing patterns might affect your car a lot. Harsh climatic changes, rain and contained pollutants can cause permanent damage. If left untreated, they create faded spots that give a bad appearance to your car. Getting a ceramic coating Adelaide can help restore your car’s appearance and as well as prevent it from weather damage.
Road Debris Damage
Adelaide roads are known to be rough and driving on them makes the car vulnerable to scratches and dents. These permanent dents can be treated using our paint protection Adelaide services. We offer top-notch services that not only make your car look good in appearance but also saves both time and effort in the maintenance of your car.
Harmful UV Damage
Adelaide receives high sun exposure and during peak summer season it becomes even hotter. This prolonged exposure to sunlight makes the car lose its gloss over time. It can be prevented with the help of a strong ceramic coating that provides a shield against the sun rays and harmful UV rays.
Bird Droppings
Bird droppings can be corrosive to your car. If they are left unwashed they might tamper with the original colour of the car. Ceramic coating Adelaide service or a premium paint protection is very essential to help prevent it from deep stains and further damage.
There are various paint protection Adelaide techniques available but not every coating suits your car requirements. From our vast professional experience, we know at best, about the type of coating that will go perfectly with your car’s appearance and needs. Let’s look at different coating options currently available in the market:
The most basic form of coating technique is waxing. It is done on the car’s painted surface and it makes the car look shiny and new like before. The wax painted surface prevents the car from scratches and rain pollutants. Waxing can be done at a cheaper price than other paint protection Adelaide services. But depending on the waxing material used, it fades away with time and has to be reapplied. It is a temporary solution and doesn’t provide a permanent end to your problems.
Paint Protection Film
It is a transparent film applied generally on the areas where the chances of getting bumped are higher such as side mirrors and hoods. PPF is applied as a sheet on the car that also works as a wall of defence from dents. Paint protection film lasts up to many years. It is a good option for protection but comes at a hefty price.
Ceramic Coating
Other than paint protection adelaide services, ceramic coating is also considered best among car owners looking for a long term protection. Being a type of chemical bond, ceramic coating can bind itself to the paint that makes the car look glossy. Its application is done on the car’s surface and it is considered to be an advanced form of coating technique that helps to protect the car from harsh weather conditions and helps prevent minor scratches. There is no need to apply ceramic coating again once it has been already applied. LS Detailing stands as one of the leading companies to provide the best ceramic coating Adelaide services to help you preserve the condition of your vehicle and keep it look brand new.
At LS Detailing, we provide best paint protection and ceramic coating services that not only provide your car with long-term safety but also enhance your car’s appearance making it look new like before. Getting paint protection Adelaide services is the smartest way for the car owners to maintain their car’s value. So, invest in your most lovable belonging by giving it a premium car coating service right now.